(01)versus de herico duce by paolino d'aquileia (8th century), manuscript from the city library of berne, switzerland.ape43.33MB
(03)tres enemics by uc di saint circ (13th century).ape33.69MB
(05)En mort d'En Joan de Cucanh by an anonymous composer. Written in 1272. Manuscript from the Archivio Capitolare, Cividale.ape28.13MB
(09)Nel bel giardino che l'Adige. Madrigal by Jacopo da Bologna. Manuscript from the Bibliotheque nationale de Paris.ape23.94MB
(04)Gewan ich zu Minnen by Rudolf von Fenis (13th century), Manuscript from the Royal Furstenberg Library at Donaueschingen.ape23.84MB
(14)imperial sedendo. mardrigal by bartolino da padova (latter part of 14th century). manuscript from the bibliotheque nationale de paris.ape21.95MB
(10)pyance la bella yguana. instrumental version for lute, recorder, rebec, harp, percussion and veille by elisabetta de' mircovich.ape17.79MB
(15)imperial sedendo. anonymous composer (beginning of 15th century), from codex faenza.ape17.01MB
(13)ave corpus sanctum by marchetto da padova (14th century). manuscript from the abbey of san giorgio, venezia.ape14.31MB
(11)nell' acqua chiara. caccia by vincenzo da rimini (second half of 14th century). manuscript from the british museum, london.ape14.07MB
(02)o lylium convalliumsubmersus iacet pharao by anonymous composers from aquileia (10th century), manuscript from cividale.ape13.96MB
(16)rondo without text, attritbuted to matteo da perugia (14th-15th centuries). manuscript panciatichiano, national central library, florence.ape13.8MB
(17)strenua quam duxit gaudeat et tanti by antonio da cividale (early 15th century), manuscript from the bodleian library in oxford.ape12.8MB
(08)o in italia felice liguria. instrumental version for recorder and muted cornett by doron david sherwin.ape12.26MB
(12)la nobil scala. anonymous venetian madrigal (14th century). manuscript from the bibliotheque nationale de paris..ape11.62MB
(06)Lux purpurata Diligite justitiam by Jacopo da Bologna (14th century, composed for a visit by the Papal Legate in 1343).ape11.28MB
(07)O in Italia felice Liguria. Madrigal by Jacopo da Bologna (ca. 1335 - 1355). Manuscript from the Bibliotheque nationale de Paris.ape10.93MB