24. Securing our application/5. Adding an unauth modal.mp423.71MB
24. Securing our application/6. Adding a redux auth wrapper.mp451.79MB
24. Securing our application/7. Improving the user experience for anonymous users.mp424.76MB
24. Securing our application/8. Adding a popup for anonymous users when clicking buttons.mp465.62MB
24. Securing our application/9. Summary of section 25.mp46.72MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/1. Introduction.mp411.04MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/10. Publishing to Firebase.mp440.71MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/11. End of course summary.mp416.4MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/2. Adding more loading indicators.mp487.6MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/3. Adding a Not Found component.mp436MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/4. Dealing with not found events.mp455.64MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/5. Final clean up and finishing touches.mp453.37MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/6. Fixing a bug in the application.mp492.68MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/7. Building the project.mp427.38MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/8. Examining the bundle size.mp432.02MB
25. Finishing touches and publishing our application/9. Service Workers.mp458.37MB
26. Post course Challenge/1. Challenge introduction.mp437.45MB
26. Post course Challenge/2. Challenge set up.mp415.03MB
26. Post course Challenge/3. Challenge hints.mp433.5MB
26. Post course Challenge/4. Challenge solution part 1.mp431.85MB
26. Post course Challenge/5. Challenge solution part 2.mp429.39MB
26. Post course Challenge/6. Challenge solution part 3.mp428MB
26. Post course Challenge/7. Challenge solution part 4.mp419.42MB
26. Post course Challenge/8. Challenge solution part 5.mp427.66MB
27. Bonus - Course updates - June 2019/1. Course update June 2019 - whats changed and what to do if you mid course.mp468.62MB
28. Bonus - Revents Alpha, React Hooks and the future of this course/1. Introduction to Revents Alpha.mp424.09MB
28. Bonus - Revents Alpha, React Hooks and the future of this course/2. React Hooks used in Revents Alpha.mp4122.5MB
28. Bonus - Revents Alpha, React Hooks and the future of this course/3. React Redux Hooks used in Revents Alpha.mp479.98MB
28. Bonus - Revents Alpha, React Hooks and the future of this course/4. React Redux Firebase Alpha, setup, usage and the future of this course.mp4131.9MB
3. Thinking in React/1. Introduction.mp48.09MB
3. Thinking in React/10. Adding state to our application.mp439.82MB
3. Thinking in React/11. Inverse data flow.mp464.53MB
3. Thinking in React/12. Summary of section 3.mp413.68MB
3. Thinking in React/2. Breaking up the UI into a component hierarchy.mp436.36MB
3. Thinking in React/3. Semantic UI Introduction.mp480.76MB
3. Thinking in React/4. Building our first component.mp437.91MB
3. Thinking in React/5. Adding the Navigation bar and styling.mp488.16MB
3. Thinking in React/6. Adding the event list items component.mp466.11MB
3. Thinking in React/7. Adding the Event Form.mp439.72MB
3. Thinking in React/8. Passing down static props to components.mp496.39MB
3. Thinking in React/9. Identifying state.mp416.1MB
4. Forms 101/1. Introduction.mp47.03MB
4. Forms 101/2. Uncontrolled Forms.mp434.03MB
4. Forms 101/3. Controlled Forms.mp4124.15MB
4. Forms 101/4. Submitting form data.mp490.93MB
4. Forms 101/5. Summary of section 4.mp411.16MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/1. Introduction.mp43.7MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/2. Selecting event to open.mp479.37MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/3. React lifecycle method - componentDidMount.mp442.29MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/4. React Lifecycle method - Alternative to componentWillReceiveProps.mp445.99MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/5. Updating the events.mp440.64MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/6. Deleting the events.mp436.75MB
5. Creating a CRUD application in React/7. Summary of section 5.mp46.74MB