15. Read & Write Excel Data(Xlsx file) OpenPyXl package/4. Write Data to Excel.mp458.44MB
16. Project 1 WebScaping using Python/1. WebScraping Introduction.mp437.22MB
16. Project 1 WebScaping using Python/2. Pick data & Display on Console.mp430.35MB
16. Project 1 WebScaping using Python/3. Pick data & save to File.mp422.59MB
16. Project 1 WebScaping using Python/4. Fetch data using BeautifulSoup.mp467.3MB
17. Work on CSV File/1. Read Data from CSV.mp454.21MB
17. Work on CSV File/2. Write Data to CSV.mp424.39MB
17. Work on CSV File/3. Compare Data.mp430.52MB
17. Work on CSV File/4. Nested Dictionary.mp456.21MB
18. Pre-requisite for Project 2 Get Json understanding/1. JSON Basic Understanding.mp446.25MB
18. Pre-requisite for Project 2 Get Json understanding/2. JSON Path Basics.mp430.9MB
18. Pre-requisite for Project 2 Get Json understanding/3. JSON Path Advance.mp428.58MB
18. Pre-requisite for Project 2 Get Json understanding/4. Work with JSON.mp410.13MB
18. Pre-requisite for Project 2 Get Json understanding/5. Fetch & Validate JSON Response.mp482.03MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/1. Request Package Installation.mp470.51MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/2. Making a GET request using python.mp463.04MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/3. Validate Status Code.mp418.27MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/4. Fetch Response Header Values.mp445.33MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/5. Fetch Response Content - using Json Path.mp452.97MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/6. Create New Resource - POST Request - Part1.mp443.47MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/7. Create New Resource - POST Request - Part2.mp439.58MB
19. Project 2 RESTful API Testing using Python/8. Update Resource on Server UPDATE Method.mp444.24MB
2. Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming/1. First Python Code Create Python File, Comments & Print on Console.mp466.03MB
2. Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming/2. How to Declare and use Variables in Python.mp437.13MB
2. Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming/3. How to take user input and use it in programming.mp453.63MB
2. Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming/4. Constraints and Type Casting.mp448.08MB
2. Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming/5. Standard datatypes in Python Number, String, List, Tuple & Dictionary.mp463.06MB
20. Project 3 Web Application Automation using Selenium Python/1. Setup Selenium on Python.mp415.11MB
20. Project 3 Web Application Automation using Selenium Python/2. Write First TestCase Open Browser Enter URL Maximize.mp462.32MB
20. Project 3 Web Application Automation using Selenium Python/3. Work on TextBox.mp445.88MB
20. Project 3 Web Application Automation using Selenium Python/4. Work on Radio Button Checkbox Link Button.mp482.96MB
20. Project 3 Web Application Automation using Selenium Python/5. Work on Dropdown or List.mp474.3MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/1. Note about this task.mp48.45MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/2. Python And PyDev setup.mp450.05MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/3. Test data generation in python-1.mp486.28MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/4. Test data generation in python-2.mp461.27MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/5. Test data generation in python-3.mp468.02MB
21. Project 4 Test Data Generation using Python/6. Test data generation in python-4.mp476.23MB
3. Control Execution using Condition Handling, Practical Examples and Exercise/1. Condition Handling using If Handle Single Condition.mp458.81MB
3. Control Execution using Condition Handling, Practical Examples and Exercise/2. Condition Handling using If Handle 2 Conditions.mp436.14MB
3. Control Execution using Condition Handling, Practical Examples and Exercise/3. Multiple Condition Handling (If - Elif - else) with practice exercise.mp443.6MB
3. Control Execution using Condition Handling, Practical Examples and Exercise/4. Nested Condition Handling (Condition inside Condition).mp444.77MB
3. Control Execution using Condition Handling, Practical Examples and Exercise/5. Condition Handling with Logical OR and Logical AND.mp466.43MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/1. Introduction of Loops - Why and Where to use Loops.mp424.02MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/10. Continue Statement.mp420.34MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/11. Else Statement.mp412.7MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/2. For Loop with Final Range - Run code until the given condition(value) reach.mp435.32MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/3. For Loop with initial and final range -Run code between given range.mp444.08MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/4. For loop with increment value - Run code with different increment value.mp420.68MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/5. For loop with decrement value - Run code with different decrement value.mp426.44MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/6. For loop with list - Running a loop on the List of values.mp441.15MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/7. While Loop with increments.mp430.76MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/8. While loop with decrements.mp419.61MB
4. Do Execution with --Loops -- For, While, Break and Continue/9. Break Statement.mp437.14MB
5. String Handling/1. What is String and basic operations.mp472.15MB