bar bar
2019-3-27 01:17
2025-3-20 22:41
17.05 GB
- Why MGTOW should not fear the SATF Smear.mp4744.88MB
- (repost) compilation Humanity+PBO series in full.mp4208.75MB
- .Gov daddy, puts women to work.mp451.01MB
- 1 Million Views.mp43.7MB
- 10,000.mp42.06MB
- 80 year old man thrown in jail for refusing to pay alimony.mp417.26MB
- 911.mp42.27MB
- A Brief Addendum on Marriage.mp45.93MB
- a declaration of non violence.mp43.3MB
- a legitimate question for gay MRA's.mp416.59MB
- A message to 'good' women that 'get it'.mp427.58MB
- A question about aquaponics.mp4138.71MB
- A quick response.mp46.93MB
- A rejection of the MGTOW Manifesto.mp423.08MB
- A response to fidelbogen...again.mp436.29MB
- A response to stone, On MRA dysfunction.mp4454.09MB
- A suckers...err.. soldiers sacrifice.mp444.73MB
- A Video By CS MGTOW.mp483.64MB
- Adios to the MRA.mp450.59MB
- age of consent law.. how it furthers misandry.mp416.81MB
- Anders Behring Breivik ≠ mra ≠ white nationalism.mp45.74MB
- Another rant on the nether apes.mp4126.92MB
- apply free market to taxpaying.mp424.6MB
- Aqauponics update.mp438.13MB
- Ayam Sirias Article.mp48.85MB
- Background info (not MGTOW related.mp43.08MB
- Barbarossaa on AVFM radio.mp468.15MB
- Barbarossaaaas lab.mp428.8MB
- Blogtalk for mens rights manifesto.mp44.4MB
- bulletins.mp43.84MB
- Calculating the derivative of x^2 using the definition of the derivitave.mp47.71MB
- Can men be raped.mp41.99MB
- Canibus legalization interview with JOSEPH PIETRI part 1.mp412.33MB
- Canibus legalization interview with JOSEPH PIETRI part 2.mp412.33MB
- Canibus legalization interview with JOSEPH PIETRI part 3.mp416.26MB
- Casey Anthony, Not Guilty due to massive pussy pass.mp49.41MB
- Channel at crossroad.mp49.29MB
- chapin 1.mp4142.06MB
- Chapin 2.mp4135.83MB
- Chat with Niko and CS MGTOW on libertarian groupie girls.mp4276.99MB
- chat with niko bbc.mp486.77MB
- Chat with Stardusk on MGTOW, PUA etc..mp4363.62MB
- Chat with StraightShooter on MGTOW, Marriage etc..mp4512.36MB
- chemistry simple vinegar ammonia titration.mp418.15MB
- Chemistry copper plating by electrolysis.mp422.14MB
- Chemistry Make Potassium Nitrate.mp412.42MB
- chemistry periodic table, and the basics part 1.mp411.16MB
- chemistry periodic table, and the basics part 2.mp48.62MB
- chemistry titrating hydrochloric acid.mp440.41MB
- Choose a decent woman for a criminal contract!.mp420.96MB
- cold war.mp410.46MB
- Concordia sinking proves equal female life is valued over male life..mp49.23MB
- Consent Affirmative Madness and Feminist Idiocy.mp427.86MB
- consent.mp453.92MB
- Conservatism ≠ MGTOW.mp416.19MB
- Cool video Crossroads in the Sky.mp449.4MB
- Damn copyright.mp433.33MB
- Deconstructing Game, and PUA frauds.mp458.18MB
- Defeat the left elsewhere.mp413.33MB
- Did I watch the game No.mp458.09MB
- Did Walter Scott run Due to back child support.mp411.44MB
- Discussion on BBC documentary.mp4250.6MB
- dismissive male attitude towards female dysfunction.mp411.83MB
- Dissecting raw material.mp430.44MB
- Divorced Your fault for not choosing correctly!.mp43.94MB
- Do men Justify their own exploitation.mp420.65MB
- Dont blame religion.mp414.58MB
- East Area Rapist, Edmund Kemper And child abuse Part 1.mp4180.06MB
- Examining the rights feminists fight for.mp48.62MB
- Expect uptick in feminist attack.mp410.11MB
- Exploratory video part 2.mp4118.6MB
- Exploratory video.mp424.24MB
- father in need of help.mp49.05MB
- Female Rape Fantasy Is Not What It Seems....mp415.57MB
- Feminism, Transhumanism, and SJW's.mp457.29MB
- Feminist hag calls Einstein -misogynist- over marriage contract.mp411.93MB
- Feminists demand place at comic-con. then scream sexism.mp48.79MB
- Feminists resort to censorship...again.mp46.07MB
- Flagged again.mp45.28MB
- flawed male desire leads to traditional parasitism.mp413.75MB
- Gamergate, anti feminism & nerds vs bros.mp4157.59MB
- Gamergate, Rape and Terror Management Theory.mp4359.17MB
- Great AVFM Interview (stardusk).mp45.94MB
- Great video on the girl gamers hypocrisy.mp44.68MB
- Gynocentric fatherhood.mp447.45MB
- HER review.mp486.82MB
- Heterosexual Suicide Serially Ignored In Misandric West.mp49.75MB
- HOC mentions male victims of rape.mp466.06MB
- House husbands just ain't sexy.mp435.06MB
- How Tupac became a Feral MGTOW.mp444.31MB
- Humanity First and Foremost pt1.mp454.13MB
- Humanity, First and Foremost pt 2.mp433.5MB
- Humanity, First and Foremost pt 3.mp4157.08MB
- Humanity, First and Foremost pt 4.mp417.39MB
- Hybristophilia part 2 Ted Bundy, Cocaine Cowboys and Male Hybristophiliacs.mp487.59MB
- Hybristophilia The Female Attraction to Violence.mp4194.44MB
- Idiots doxing me, ah well here I am.mp419.81MB
- Important announcements.mp42.97MB
- In Defense of the Artificial Womb.mp414.78MB
- Infowars Bashes MGTOW, in Favor of Neo Masculinism lol, LOL!.mp445.68MB
- Interesting vid on Herbivore men.mp44.44MB
- Interview on indian misandry.mp4159.85MB
- Interview with Johntheother.mp456.68MB
- Is Female Biology Inherently Feminist.mp421.43MB
- join my blogroll.mp44.28MB
- just shut up about mgtow!.mp418.04MB
- Kobe to divorce feminist divorce industry claims its next goliath.mp48.79MB
- last update.mp432.62MB
- Luimarco + mgtow identity.mp44.56MB
- Male Contraception Where do we stand.mp428.35MB
- Male mother need and Civilizational draw stifle male individualism.mp49.53MB
- Marriage & MGTOW.mp443.96MB
- Marriage goes south Man up MRM!.. save me!... no thanks..mp48.58MB
- mcdonalds attack = exercise in male self defense.mp413.08MB
- Meet Amber Portwood.. the toxic woman poster girl.mp410.08MB
- Mens rights movement Political, yet non-partisan.mp422.95MB
- MGTOW Fascists! lol.mp415.53MB
- MGTOW Jewelry ltd..mp42.97MB
- Mgtow Misogyny.mp458.19MB
- MGTOW News 2.mp436.02MB
- Mgtow news 3 your online report card.mp474.89MB
- MGTOW news.mp437.97MB
- Mgtow relativism.mp43.56MB
- Mgtow talent Neo unplugged + Truthovereverything.mp42.42MB
- MGTOW talent PaulProteus.mp440.09MB
- MGTOW talent Spetsnaz.mp417.88MB
- MGTOW talent stardusk.mp43.3MB
- misogyny in video games.... more feminist nonsense.mp415.7MB
- mixed people dont be ashamed of what you are...!.mp419.46MB
- More Content from Ayam, Kolinahr.mp423.63MB
- more demands from equal women that men protect them.mp425.33MB
- More MGTOW Channels.mp424.86MB
- More on Conservatism ≠ MGTOW.mp444.41MB
- more on mgtow mrm.mp412.02MB
- More on rape shield laws.mp49.83MB
- More on selective service.mp428.12MB
- More on the presumption of motherhood.mp415.73MB
- More on warfare and gender.mp423.21MB
- More shaming Ehh who cares.mp421.89MB
- Moving on.mp43.81MB
- MRA+ no thanks....mp414.95MB
- MRM in a state of collapse...we must regroup and and rebuild.mp418.38MB
- my thoughts on race 1 2.mp417.64MB
- NAWALT (not all women are like that).mp44.79MB
- Need help finding misandric scene.mp463.62MB
- Non existent Cinderella-Woman lie, harms men.mp411.34MB
- On Autism, Female projection & Manhood.mp4184.87MB
- On Circumcision and MGM.mp475.42MB
- On conspiracy theorists.mp461.27MB
- On decreasing state influence.mp440.52MB
- On Evo-Psych in MGTOW.mp4204.76MB
- On growing this channel.mp46.74MB
- On inoculating the culture.mp420.61MB
- On life extension and the ethics of punishment.mp438.36MB
- On male sexuality.mp422.26MB
- On miscellaneous gynocentrisms.mp495.47MB
- On Natural Rights.mp481.8MB
- On Peter Wrights MGTOW Central article.mp436.9MB
- On playground fights and #gamergate.mp410.84MB
- on rebranding feminism.mp411.07MB
- On regulating synthetic biology.mp415.51MB
- On Robin Williams and suicide.mp437.42MB
- On stagnation.mp420.79MB
- On surrogacy pt 1.mp425.34MB
- On surrogacy pt2.mp415.03MB
- On taboo, sex, violence, porn & prostitution.mp466.74MB
- On the next great male obsolescence.mp474.95MB
- On the sexodus article.mp46.8MB
- On the uncanny valley, video games, and future male sexuality.mp467.93MB
- On the what ifs.mp4158.56MB
- On Trump, also resub to Mayor of Mgtown.mp425.76MB
- On vigilante justice and Indian misandry.mp474.01MB
- On womenagainstfeminism tumblr.mp46.96MB
- one by one men are catching on.mp423.43MB
- Organic chemistry cis trans and 1,3 diaxial repulsion.mp414.17MB
- Organic Chemistry cyclohexane ring flipping, and conformational analyisis.mp455.66MB
- Organic chemistry Introduction to conformations and newman projections.mp440.29MB
- Organic chemistry naming alkanes, substituents and cyclic compounds.mp433.09MB
- Organic chemistry Why do organic compounds seek tetrahedral geometry.mp414.42MB
- Our Hypocritical Attitudes Toward Men Crying.mp4124.63MB
- Patreon up.mp49.93MB
- Perennial feminism The Inevitable Conclusion To All Patriarchies.mp419.17MB
- Podcast # 2 Shining light, Niko, Traversable Mgtow.mp4318.03MB
- podcast 3 Neo, Ayam, myself.mp4154.23MB
- Podcast with Ayam Sirias & Neo Unplugged.mp4206.43MB
- Podcast with Shining Light, Ayam, Niko and others.mp4327.51MB
- Poem on male privilege by RadFem D.A. Clarke.mp431.35MB
- Possible flagging + The Contented Irrationalist.mp416.73MB
- possible solutions and Responses to...part 1.mp411.83MB
- possible solutions and Responses to...part 2.mp410.21MB
- Powered By orgasm Pt 1.mp4194.45MB
- Powered By Orgasm pt 2.mp4206.84MB
- Powered By Orgasm pt 3.mp4143.21MB
- Powered By Orgasm pt 4.mp4190.21MB
- Prove Evo-Psych we cant, its all conjecture..mp428.35MB
- PUA Roissy on MGTOW.mp441.01MB
- pulling water.mp43.98MB
- Quick question.mp45.21MB
- Race obsessed fools impede fight against feminism.mp424.44MB
- Racist Swedish Feminists perform mock female genital mutilation.mp43.27MB
- Radfem calls porn commercial rape industry.mp47.31MB
- rallying.mp4122.37MB
- Ramblings.mp45.04MB
- Rand Paul says Clinton took advantage of Lewinsky.mp455.86MB
- RBK on small gov.mp49.91MB
- RBK's channel flagged down, sub the new one.mp44.42MB
- Re MRA mission.mp4327.23MB
- RE The Judean People's Front!.mp4230.31MB
- Re Moderation and Message with the Men's Movement.mp4293.68MB
- Reaction to dark knight shooting provides glimpse into male disposability.mp417.04MB
- Recommended Viewing Black Mirror.mp416.55MB
- Refuse to serve in wars for misandry, men must boycott the american western military.mp437.93MB
- relating artistic and moral relativism.mp415.19MB
- Republican body language.mp46.71MB
- Response I am Anti Feminist. That's it..mp4176.51MB
- Response to Becoming Ambient.mp4317.34MB
- Response to Chapin RE Pro-Male and MRA Party..mp427.72MB
- Response to Gavin McInnes on Female Sex Offender Double Standards.mp4211.15MB
- Response to Paul Joseph Watson, On Neo Masculinism infowars.mp4203.39MB
- Right left revisited.mp4322.06MB
- right wing war on terror = misandry.mp441.11MB
- Rocking mr e off his rocker.mp418.49MB
- S.A.T.F (Same As The Feminist's) meme... Just More NAWALT Deflection.mp417.57MB
- Schlafly on hypergamy.mp414.71MB
- Schlafly podcast gives ridiculous divorce advice.mp47.65MB
- self hating comedians.mp410.03MB
- Sexodus articles taken down.mp41.93MB
- Sexodus pt 2. I don't trust it.mp49.3MB
- Sharon Osbourne demonstrates innate() female misandry on the talk.mp47.83MB
- Single mom psychology, seeks the spousification of male sons.mp47.15MB
- Smash bros melee Barbarossa (peach) vs Rubar (sheik) 1.mp453.13MB
- Smash bros melee Barbarossa (peach) vs Rubar (sheik) 2.mp470.92MB
- Some announcements, male birth control, my podcast.mp445.57MB
- some announcements.mp43.41MB
- Speculations on murder.mp46.89MB
- spetsnaz podcast preview.mp443.55MB
- SPLC Rape and Domestic Violence conflation.mp49.17MB
- Stardusk On the Male desire for Unfreedom.mp447.11MB
- Stardusk Rape - An Evolutionary Perspective.mp4191.58MB
- Stardusk Scientific Reality and the Dissolution of Political Ideology.mp4163.88MB
- StarduskLP for gamers plug.mp44.42MB
- Stop arguing with women. time to examine our own behavior.mp410.38MB
- Stop blaming mass murder on masculinity.mp4118.3MB
- stop bullying campaigns expose hypocrisy towards heterosexual male suicide.mp414.08MB
- Stop talking about hypergamy no way.mp456.9MB
- Subtle Sign of our misandric times from dell commercial.mp411.12MB
- survivalist rhetoric the alpha male primitive.mp418.17MB
- Survivalist rhetoric Young men give us hope for the future.mp44.96MB
- survivalist rhetoric.mp421.69MB
- Take back the Night = Only men can stop rape bullshit.mp49.17MB
- Talk with Johntheother on Roosh,future of MGTOW.mp4274.83MB
- Tax funded male DV shelters socialism.mp4211.96MB
- Testosterone = violence, according to manipulative feminist theory.mp410.66MB
- The Feminist Beef with Male to Female Trans-Women.mp4181.12MB
- The limits of my language are the limits of my world.mp488.22MB
- The Post-feminism Man.mp47.61MB
- The presumption of motherhood.mp416.25MB
- The psychology of the concern troll.mp417.76MB
- The rapacious female void.mp4140.56MB
- Threats of flagging by youtuber rsvy913681.mp4924.61KB
- Thugs and Pussybeggars..same shit different laxative part 1.mp434.78MB
- Thugs and Pussybeggars..same shit different laxative part 2.mp425.18MB
- To black MRA's; Obama is not your friend! part 1.mp446.89MB
- To black MRA's; Obama is not your friend! part 2.mp420.52MB
- To black MRA's; Obama is not your friend! part 3.mp414.49MB
- Tough Guy Goes Crazy on Intactivist in Defense of Circumcision.mp4195.96MB
- Trad-feminism.mp443.84MB
- Tradcon Tucker strikes again.mp42.56MB
- Traditional Relationships...nothing but business and a bottom line..mp455.59MB
- Traditionalism and chivalry = the other feminism.mp484.98MB
- Traditionalism and feminism, the great gynocentrisms of our time.mp4394.22MB
- Update.mp427.2MB
- Updates (2).mp410.81MB
- Updates, book, bbc documentary.mp411.85MB
- Updates.mp431.76MB
- Veiled threats of doxing....mp432.17MB
- videos in rant format, would listeners prefer input welcome.mp435.17MB
- vr sex and feminism.mp411.14MB
- War Machine, traditionalism and MGTOW.mp423.54MB
- We all slip up, lets talk about it..mp4173.29MB
- Website up.mp419.43MB
- what freedom isnt.mp424.8MB
- Where I've been.mp414.02MB
- Whiteknights demand protection for females from men.mp411.96MB
- Who will i help nobody.mp48.01MB
- whores in training.mp414.27MB
- Why Feminists Will Never Be Funny.mp4121.35MB
- #EastAreaRapist (allegedly) Identified as Joseph James Deangelo.mp44.66MB
- Will The Advent of Artificial Womb Tech End Gender Warfare Definitively.mp411.93MB
- women manufactured their own oppression . threats of nihilism to anyone that points it out.mp414.44MB
- WOMEN RUIN EDUCATION (repost).mp415.1MB
- Women surpassing men in - insert feminist talking point - .....mp49.95MB
- women the new leisure class, thanks to desperate men.mp419.79MB
- your vote counts for nothing... vote or die morons please jump off a cliff.mp47.76MB
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