2024-3-5 15:52
2025-2-6 05:34
9.81 GB
- SteelCon 2014/Arron f1nux Finon - Finux’s Historical Tour Of IDS Evasion, Insertions, and Other Oddities.mp463MB
- SteelCon 2014/Campbell Murray - Pen tester Looking to learn a language Already an experienced coder.mp454.17MB
- SteelCon 2014/Craig Bird - Network Forensics - the importance of network visibility for security operations.mp422.7MB
- SteelCon 2014/Darren infodox Martyn - Python and process injection for everyone.mp432.4MB
- SteelCon 2014/David Day - A journey from LulzSec to GoZeus.mp471.59MB
- SteelCon 2014/George Nicolaou - Forensics automation.mp448.12MB
- SteelCon 2014/Keynote - Javvad and Girl Cynic - 7 steps to unleashing the creative hacker.mp458.4MB
- SteelCon 2014/Mark Goodwin - Making CSP work for you.mp451.84MB
- SteelCon 2014/Robin Wood - Welcome Talk.mp46.66MB
- SteelCon 2014/Steve Armstrong - Avoiding the Noob’s pitfalls of Incident Response.mp464.01MB
- SteelCon 2015/0wning the Internet of Trash - A gentle intro to IoT Ownage - Darren Martyn.mp482.82MB
- SteelCon 2015/Attacking the user to compromise corporate networks with FruityWifi - xtr4nge.mp4108.82MB
- SteelCon 2015/Blindslides - Campbell Murray.mp417.28MB
- SteelCon 2015/Closing Speech - Robin Wood.mp44.14MB
- SteelCon 2015/Getting started in SCADA testing - Campbell Murray.mp417.81MB
- SteelCon 2015/Opening Speech - Robin Wood.mp49.12MB
- SteelCon 2015/Popping the Bubble - Mo Amin.mp446.25MB
- SteelCon 2015/Reverse Engineering Android Applications - Tom Keetch.mp438.43MB
- SteelCon 2015/The Matrix LD PRELOADED - Alastair.mp471.53MB
- SteelCon 2015/Wrong Side of History - finux.mp494.27MB
- SteelCon 2016/21st Century War Stories - Ben Turner.mp498.16MB
- SteelCon 2016/A Battle Against the Industry - Beating Antivirus for Meterpreter and More - Chris Truncer.mp4102.2MB
- SteelCon 2016/Become a computer mindreader A gentle exploration of memory forensics - Darren Martyn.mp452.77MB
- SteelCon 2016/Closing Ceremony - Robin Wood.mp433.74MB
- SteelCon 2016/Hacking the Nissan Leaf - Scott Helme.mp485.26MB
- SteelCon 2016/Improving Computer Network Defense Analysis Training - Juan J. GUelfo.mp475.07MB
- SteelCon 2016/Madbob Combo Lock Build Video.mp47.53MB
- SteelCon 2016/Offensive Anti-Analysis - Holly Graceful.mp472.09MB
- SteelCon 2016/Opening Ceremony - Robin Wood.mp416.57MB
- SteelCon 2016/Remote SE techniques involving Microsoft Universal Naming Convention (UNC) function - Neil Lines.mp4111.64MB
- SteelCon 2016/Reviewing AngularJS 1.x Applications - Lewis Ardern.mp477.07MB
- SteelCon 2016/TLS - Practical Attacks and Defences - Jonathon Brookfield.mp475.84MB
- SteelCon 2016/Vorsprung Durch Hacknik - Chris Ratcliff.mp484.46MB
- SteelCon 2016/Witness the Russian attack Live demos of their steps, tools, techniques - Sun Huang and Wayne Huang.mp4106.8MB
- SteelCon 2016/Would the real imposter please stand up - Dr. Jessica Barker.mp496.56MB
- SteelCon 2017/(When It Comes To Security...) Nothing's New, Everything's New by Steve Mitchell.mp4116.9MB
- SteelCon 2017/10 Years Forward Into The Future - Fact, Fiction & Failure by Ian Thornton-Trump.mp472.99MB
- SteelCon 2017/A Chain Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Win32k by Sam Brown.mp457.81MB
- SteelCon 2017/A Look At TR-06FAIL And Other CPE Configuration Disasters by Darren Martyn.mp477.4MB
- SteelCon 2017/A Year In The Red by Dominic Chell and Vincent Yiu.mp4101.04MB
- SteelCon 2017/CheckPlease - Payload-Agnostic Sandbox Detection by Chris Truncer and Brandon Arvanaghi.mp468.72MB
- SteelCon 2017/Closing by Robin Wood.mp427.84MB
- SteelCon 2017/Dicking Around With Dildos by Ken Munro.mp481.99MB
- SteelCon 2017/Honey In The Age Of Cyber by Stefan Hager.mp497.62MB
- SteelCon 2017/HTTP Invisibility Cloak by Soroush Dalili.mp454.91MB
- SteelCon 2017/Let's Cut The Crap On GDPR by Carl Gottlieb - YouTube.mp495.93MB
- SteelCon 2017/Lightning Talk - Offensive AP Trolling by Aaron P.mp413.67MB
- SteelCon 2017/Lightning Talk - Rest Unsafe Code by Diane Hosfelt.mp429.27MB
- SteelCon 2017/Mahkra Ni Orroz by Chris Boyd.mp470.25MB
- SteelCon 2017/Opening Speech by Robin Wood.mp418.99MB
- SteelCon 2017/Practical Serialization Attacks by Nicky Bloor.mp4104.45MB
- SteelCon 2017/Reclaim Back Keys For Your Kingdom - A Vaultless Password Manager by Ignat Korchagin.mp495.72MB
- SteelCon 2017/Revocation Is Broken, Here's How We're Fixing It by Scott Helme.mp479.21MB
- SteelCon 2017/Samurai Of The West by Neil Lines.mp481.09MB
- SteelCon 2017/The Evil Friend In Your Browser by Achim D. Brucker and Michael Herzberg.mp4110.99MB
- SteelCon 2018/(When It Comes To Security...) Nothing's New, Everything's New by Steve Mitchell.mp4116.9MB
- SteelCon 2018/0wning the Internet of Trash - A gentle intro to IoT Ownage - Darren Martyn.mp482.82MB
- SteelCon 2018/10 Years Forward Into The Future - Fact, Fiction & Failure by Ian Thornton-Trump.mp472.99MB
- SteelCon 2018/21st Century War Stories - Ben Turner.mp498.18MB
- SteelCon 2018/A Battle Against the Industry - Beating Antivirus for Meterpreter and More - Chris Truncer.mp4102.2MB
- SteelCon 2018/A Chain Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Win32k by Sam Brown.mp457.81MB
- SteelCon 2018/A Look At TR-06FAIL And Other CPE Configuration Disasters by Darren Martyn.mp474.78MB
- SteelCon 2018/A Year In The Red by Dominic Chell and Vincent Yiu.mp4101.04MB
- SteelCon 2018/Attacking the user to compromise corporate networks with FruityWifi - xtr4nge.mp4108.82MB
- SteelCon 2018/Become a computer mindreader - A gentle exploration of memory forensics - Darren Martyn.mp452.77MB
- SteelCon 2018/Blindslides - Campbell Murray.mp417.28MB
- SteelCon 2018/Breaking Into Information Security by Andy Gill.mp460.84MB
- SteelCon 2018/Can't Hack, Love To Lurk - Sharing Academic Research by Helen Thackray.mp481.25MB
- SteelCon 2018/CheckPlease - Payload-Agnostic Sandbox Detection by Chris Truncer and Brandon Arvanaghi.mp468.72MB
- SteelCon 2018/Closing by Robin Wood.mp427.84MB
- SteelCon 2018/Closing by SteelCon Crew [FULL].mp420.29MB
- SteelCon 2018/Closing by SteelCon Crew [REDACTED].mp418.61MB
- SteelCon 2018/Closing Ceremony - Robin Wood.mp433.74MB
- SteelCon 2018/Closing Speech - Robin Wood.mp44.14MB
- SteelCon 2018/COM And The PowerThIEf by Robert Maslen.mp484.85MB
- SteelCon 2018/Craig Bird - Network Forensics - the importance of network visibility for security operations.mp422.52MB
- SteelCon 2018/David Day - A journey from LulzSec to GoZeus.mp471.59MB
- SteelCon 2018/Demo Of by Dirk Wetter.mp427.2MB
- SteelCon 2018/Dicking Around With Dildos by Ken Munro.mp494.64MB
- SteelCon 2018/EternalBlue - Exploit Analysis And Beyond by Emma McCall.mp469.37MB
- SteelCon 2018/Exploiting Screen Recording And Automated Input On Android by Amar Menezes.mp434.68MB
- SteelCon 2018/Fixing Revocation - How We Failed and How We'll succeed by Mark Goodwin.mp445.53MB
- SteelCon 2018/From Stuxnet To Without The Net by Dan Raywood.mp489.74MB
- SteelCon 2018/GDPR For Hackers by Carl Gottlieb.mp460.56MB
- SteelCon 2018/George Nicolaou - Forensics automation.mp448.23MB
- SteelCon 2018/Getting started in SCADA testing - Campbell Murray.mp417.81MB
- SteelCon 2018/Hacking the Nissan Leaf - Scott Helme.mp485.31MB
- SteelCon 2018/Hardware Shit Chickens by Mark Carney.mp430.05MB
- SteelCon 2018/Honey In The Age Of Cyber by Stefan Hager.mp497.62MB
- SteelCon 2018/How I Break Into Casino, Airports And CNI. The Basics Of SE by Chris Pritchard.mp457.7MB
- SteelCon 2018/HTTP Invisibility Cloak by Soroush Dalili.mp454.91MB
- SteelCon 2018/I Wrote My Own Ransomware - Did Not Make 1 Iota Of A Bitcoin by Thomas Fischer.mp439.59MB
- SteelCon 2018/Improving Computer Network Defense Analysis Training - Juan J. GUelfo.mp475.07MB
- SteelCon 2018/L Is For Luser by Scott Storey.mp440.02MB
- SteelCon 2018/Let's Cut The Crap On GDPR by Carl Gottlieb.mp492.42MB
- SteelCon 2018/Lightning Talk - Offensive AP Trolling by Aaron P.mp413.67MB
- SteelCon 2018/Lightning Talk - Rest Unsafe Code by Diane Hosfelt.mp428.79MB
- SteelCon 2018/Mahkra Ni Orroz by Chris Boyd.mp470.25MB
- SteelCon 2018/Mark Goodwin - Making CSP work for you.mp451.89MB
- SteelCon 2018/Next Gen AV vs My Shitty Code by James Williams.mp416.74MB
- SteelCon 2018/Not A Hacker, Yet. by Chris Ratcliff.mp440.11MB
- SteelCon 2018/Offensive Anti-Analysis - Holly Graceful.mp472.09MB
- SteelCon 2018/Opening by Robin Wood.mp420.25MB
- SteelCon 2018/Opening Ceremony - Robin Wood.mp416.57MB
- SteelCon 2018/Opening Speech - Robin Wood.mp49.12MB
- SteelCon 2018/Opening Speech by Robin Wood.mp412.52MB
- SteelCon 2018/Popping the Bubble - Mo Amin.mp446.25MB
- SteelCon 2018/Practical Serialization Attacks by Nicky Bloor.mp4104.45MB
- SteelCon 2018/Profiling The Attacker by James Stevenson.mp437.33MB
- SteelCon 2018/Reclaim Back Keys For Your Kingdom - A Vaultless Password Manager by Ignat Korchagin.mp494.44MB
- SteelCon 2018/Remote SE techniques involving Microsoft Universal Naming Convention (UNC) function - Neil Lines.mp4111.64MB
- SteelCon 2018/Reverse Engineering Android Applications - Tom Keetch.mp438.43MB
- SteelCon 2018/Reviewing AngularJS 1.x Applications - Lewis Ardern.mp477.07MB
- SteelCon 2018/Revocation Is Broken, Here's How We're Fixing It by Scott Helme.mp479.21MB
- SteelCon 2018/Samurai Of The West by Neil Lines.mp480.25MB
- SteelCon 2018/The Arcane Arts Of Linux by Alastair O'Neill.mp437.27MB
- SteelCon 2018/The Dark Arts by Neil Lines.mp431.83MB
- SteelCon 2018/The Evil Friend In Your Browser by Achim D. Brucker and Michael Herzberg.mp4109.42MB
- SteelCon 2018/The Matrix LD PRELOADED - Alastair.mp471.53MB
- SteelCon 2018/TLS - Practical Attacks and Defences - Jonathon Brookfield.mp475.84MB
- SteelCon 2018/Vorsprung Durch Hacknik - Chris Ratcliff.mp484.46MB
- SteelCon 2018/Weaponizing Layer 8 by Stefan Hager.mp422.53MB
- SteelCon 2018/What Does It Take To Steal $81m by Donato Capitella and Oliver Simonnet.mp450.06MB
- SteelCon 2018/What I've Learned From Billions Of Security Reports Every Month by Scott Helme.mp450.87MB
- SteelCon 2018/Witness the Russian attack - Live demos of their steps, tools, techniques - Sun Huang and Wayne Huang.mp4106.8MB
- SteelCon 2018/Would the real imposter please stand up - Dr. Jessica Barker.mp496.56MB
- SteelCon 2018/Wrong Side of History - finux.mp494.27MB
- SteelCon 2018/You've Got Mail by Dan Caban and Muks Hirani.mp457.41MB
- SteelCon 2019/Built-In Appl. Whitelisting With Windows Defender Application Control - Chris Truncer.mp456.73MB
- SteelCon 2019/Closing - SteelCon Organizers.mp418.26MB
- SteelCon 2019/Dragon - Neil Lines.mp463.87MB
- SteelCon 2019/Dynamic Callbacks For Persistence - Xtr4nge.mp448.79MB
- SteelCon 2019/Getting Splunky With Kerberos - Ross Bingham and Tom MacDonald.mp473.3MB
- SteelCon 2019/How Not To Be As Stupid As Ransomware Authors - Sarah White.mp438.11MB
- SteelCon 2019/How The Equation Group Remained Out Of Sight Over The Years - Connor Morley.mp447.54MB
- SteelCon 2019/Hunting Sh T Up Red Teaming With A Bug Hunter's Mindset - Andy Gill.mp459.13MB
- SteelCon 2019/LT Novel VM Detection Tricks - Graham Sutherland.mp425.85MB
- SteelCon 2019/LT People Are The Solution - Scot Storey.mp412.42MB
- SteelCon 2019/LT The Problem With DNS - Joshua Gregory.mp413.42MB
- SteelCon 2019/Opening - SteelCon Organizers.mp425.96MB
- SteelCon 2019/Our Mental Health Matters - Lizzy Higgins.mp445.33MB
- SteelCon 2019/Owning An Enterprise With Three Lines Of Code - Achim D. Brucker.mp458.69MB
- SteelCon 2019/PARASITE Can An Open Internet Fight Extremism - Dan Nash.mp455.51MB
- SteelCon 2019/Rage Against The FUD - The Beer Farmers.mp453.73MB
- SteelCon 2019/State Of Cybersecurity Report - Extended Play - Dan Raywood.mp457.96MB
- SteelCon 2019/Steal These Ideas - Stefan Hager.mp455.7MB
- SteelCon 2019/The Internet Is Broken And So Are We - Saskia Coplans and Alastair O'Neill.mp479.17MB
- SteelCon 2019/The LANs That Time Forgot - Brian Whelton.mp444.58MB
- SteelCon 2019/TLS 1.3 For Penetration Testers - Richard Moore.mp468.25MB
- SteelCon 2019/Using Networking With People - Stuart Smiles.mp452.93MB
- SteelCon 2019/War Stories From The Front Line Of Sec. Mgmnt - Carl Gottlieb and Paul Heffernan.mp446.63MB
- SteelCon 2019/Weaknesses In Software Supply Chains - Sean Wright.mp450.26MB
- SteelCon 2019/WordPress Isn't A Security Dumpster Fire, Fight Me - Tim Nash and Glenn Pegden.mp450.2MB
- SteelCon 2022/Can You Detect This Inside The Ransomware Operator’s Toolkit by Peter O.mp458.93MB
- SteelCon 2022/Catch Me If You Can Hiding Web Shell From WAF by Manish Kishan Tanwar.mp448.53MB
- SteelCon 2022/Closing by SteelCon Organizers.mp420.15MB
- SteelCon 2022/Debugging Cordava Applications by Nishaanth Kumar G.mp429.1MB
- SteelCon 2022/Deep Dive Into Kubernetes Attack Surface & How To Defend Against Cloud Native Ecosystem by Sadi Zane.mp468.26MB
- SteelCon 2022/Finding Zero Days In WordPress Plugins And Themes And Testing Beyond WPScan by Noman Riffat.mp437.49MB
- SteelCon 2022/Friend Or Foe by Jess Amery.mp444.49MB
- SteelCon 2022/Hacking A Treadmill For Fame And Profit by Soroush Dalili.mp443.58MB
- SteelCon 2022/How To Enhance Your Cybersecurity Career Through Regional Alliances by Gary Hibbard.mp462.57MB
- SteelCon 2022/How To Kill A Russian Commander In 20 Minutes Or Less by Ian Thornton-Trump and Philip Ingram.mp471.02MB
- SteelCon 2022/Intro And Welcome by SteelCon Organizers.mp424.17MB
- SteelCon 2022/I’ll Take Hacking For $100. Keeping Your CTF Costs Out Of Jeopardy by James Boland.mp466.16MB
- SteelCon 2022/Murder Mossad Watching SE Experts, Literally Getting Away With Murder by Chris Pritchard.mp481.54MB
- SteelCon 2022/P4ssw0rds111 by Richard Hicks.mp456.48MB
- SteelCon 2022/Security Vulnerabilities That (Mostly) Aren’t by David Lodge.mp439.12MB
- SteelCon 2022/Taming Horses For Combat by Sina Kheirkhah.mp437.71MB
- SteelCon 2022/Windows Credential Theft A Primer by Keith Learmonth.mp462.45MB
- SteelCon 2022/Writing Tiny, Efficient, And Reliable Malware by Rad Kawar.mp474.49MB
- SteelCon 2022/X-Com Editing Savegame Files Is Still Strategy Redux by Paul Williams.mp446.05MB
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